Akasha Library: The Web Experience

What's the Akasha Library?

In my world, the Akasha Library is a library created by the gods. This library is located at the exact center of the world, and is functionally infinite. In reality, this library does have a start and an end, but the latter (where all the first books written are) is so far away that a person would have to walk for countless years

How much time would it take to get to the end?

I'm glad you asked!

Every day the library produces around 4.528×1013 books. This library was created at the beginning of the world, which in this case means that 4.528×1013 books have been written everyday for around 4,000,000 years (and by the way, by years here I mean 365.25 days, but in my world time isn't measured in the same way).

This means that in total, 6.6138×1022 books have been written.

Let's also say that hypothetically a person could walk for all eternity at medium pace, and let's also say that this person had the assignment of walking the entire length of the library. The Akasha Library has rooms with each around 7,000 books, and to get from a room to another it takes you 4 seconds.

With that info, one can calculate how much time it takes a person to walk to the end of the library! The answer, if you don't want to do the math, is 8.39×1012 years! If we do some more math, and also take into account the fact that every room has the same dimensions (the distance from an archway to another is 5.5m), the distance from the beginning to the end would be 5.24900×1016km!

So basically, it would take you some time.

What About the Web Experience?

I call it a Web experience because I don't feel it is appropriate to call what I'm working on a "game". It does indeed have the basic mechanics of a game, so a character the user can move in a space and have interact with other entities in the program, however it does not have a story or objective. Akasha Library is better described as an experience, I think, and because it uses the web I have it the name of Web Experience

Akasha Library lets the user explore Gadahin (qadahin): the island where the library is located. The user can enter nearby houses and in the library, where they can explore its rooms to their heart's content and read the books on its shelves.

Every book is unique, thanks to a procedural generation algorithm NB :: I haven't implemented that yet!! See my DevLog for updates, available in the italian section of this website, which also means that it's actually infinite!